What is Google Classroom? How do I access the Clever Portal?
In Google Classroom you can:
1. Find Instructional Enrichment Activities posted by your child’s teachers
2. Have your child complete activities
To access Clever/Google Classroom on your own personal Windows, Mac, or Chromebook:
On the top of the page, click on community
Under students, click on “Clever Students”
Login using your Chromebook Login username and password
Username is your child’s lunch ID (ex. 12345)
Password is either your lunch ID or “password”
Either click on Google Apps on the left side of the screen or scroll to find Google Classroom and click on it
Your child’s classes will be listed
Click on classes to see and do activities.
Click on classwork to see the activities.
Students can complete their activities.
Teachers will be able to review, provide feedback and communicate with their students
Once activities are completed, teachers will enter them into PowerSchool for you to view.
In PowerSchool you can:
See the activities that have been completed by your child
See feedback from their teacher about their activities
Communicate with your child’s teacher
To Access PowerSchool:
Go to the LPS website (www.lawrencepublicschools.org)
On the top of the page, click on community
Under Parents/Guardian, click on “PowerSchool for Parents”
Your child’s counselor will be reaching out to you and give you further log in directions
If you forget your username and/or password, please contact the SES main office at (978) 975-5971 or (978) 975-5980 and someone will assist you.
We have provided an instructional video assist you:
Instructional Video in English
Instructional Video in Spanish
Connecting with ZOOM:
What is ZOOM? ZOOM is a web-based/online video conferencing tool with a local, desktop, client and a mobile app that allows users to meet online, with or without video. It is an effective way to communicate with individuals in a virtual way. Zoom can be found when logging into your child’s Clever account.
Teachers, counselors and support staff will be providing a variety of Zoom instruction activities throughout the week. Be sure to check your classes in Google Classroom & your Google Calendar for the meeting ID, password, and meeting time.
Instructional Enrichment Activities Schedules:
SES is offering Enrichments for students. Please visit our Enrichment Schedules page for more details.
How is SES supporting your child’s emotional and social well-being?
There is a resource page on the SES Facebook and the LPS Website for parents that offers tips and strategies around emotional well-being and how to offer support.
On your child’s Google Classroom for their homeroom, you can find the Second Step/Social Skills teacher’s page. This page will include additional social emotional activities.
Your child’s counselor will be reaching out to each family individually to discuss how to best offer support.
Office hours for SES Counselors will be posted on Facebook and through our Remind app.
We will continue to update you as we develop additional supports.
Counselors will conduct bi-weekly check-ins and provide continued support.
Social Emotional Activities will be conducted weekly:
Expressive Therapy, Project Adventure and Social Emotional curriculum will be offered throughout the week.
Support staff will be available throughout the day to connect with their homeroom students.
The Importance of COMMUNICATION:
It is crucial that we maintain excellent communication during this uncharted experience. It is important that you are aware of the many different options available for you and your child on how to communicate with teachers, counselors and administration; as well as, how to access resources and information.
Possible Questions:
How to contact us:
Remind App
Email your child's counselor
Call SES at 978-975-5980
Call your child's counselor
Ms. Melissa: Elementary School
Ms. Dayry: Middle School
Ms. Briana: High School & SLC
Mr. Isaac: Guidance
What happens if I am having difficulties accessing the Electronic assignments?
SES will be asking parents who are having difficulties accessing assignments electronically to let us know so we can assist you immediately. We will have office hours for you to contact school support to walk you through and troubleshoot.
What if I prefer a hard copy of the activities?
If you prefer your child to receive a hard copy of their enrichment activity, please let us know so we can make arrangements to get these materials to you. Please note that this packet may not look exactly the same as those offered electronically and may require more time.
How will I be able get the packet to the teacher for review?
Please contact the main office and we will pick it up from you and pass it along to your child’s teacher.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
We hope you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy,
The Team at SES!