Hello SES Families,

We are excited to share that we’ve successfully completed our first four days of school! It’s been wonderful having everyone back together. Our students have made a smooth transition from break, settling in nicely with community work and academic tasks.

We appreciate your patience as the bus company and the school work on refining the transportation process. We’re off to a great start and look forward to a fantastic year ahead!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school at 978-975-5980 or via email.

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you all this year!

Best regards,
Erik Desmond

Hello SES Families,

I hope you're enjoying the start of your week! We’ve had an amazing beginning to our academic year at SES.

Today, we conducted our first fire drill with the Lawrence Fire Department. Our students and staff performed exceptionally well during the drill.

For parents/guardians with children walking to and from school each day, we are attaching a survey at the bottom of this memo. Your responses will help us offer the necessary services during school arrivals and dismissals.

Survey link here

Additionally, we will be hosting our first informational Zoom training this week, focusing on how to access PowerSchool for parents. The session will take place this Wednesday  September 18 from 4:30pm -5:30pm, and we will be sending more details shortly.

Zoom link

Best regards,

Erik Desmond

Hola familias de SES,

Espero que esten disfrutando el inicio de su semana! Hemos tenido un comienzo increible de nuestro año academico en SES.

Hoy realizamos nuestro primer simulacro de incendio con el Departamento de Bomberos de Lawrence. Nuestros estudiantes y personal se desempeñaron excepcionalmente bien durante el simulacro.

Para los padres/tutores de niños que caminan hacia y desde la escuela todos los dias, encontrara adjunto una encuesta al final de este memorando. Sus respuestas nos ayudaran a ofrecer los servicios necesarios durante las llegadas y salidas de la escuela.

Enlace de la encuesta aquí

Ademas, esta semana tendremos nuestra primera capacitacion informativa por Zoom, centrandonos en como acceder a PowerSchool para los padres. La session se llevara a cabo este miercoles 18 de Septiembre de 4:30pm a 5:30pm y en breve enviaremos mas detalles.

Enlace de zoom


Erik Desmond